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Office Blocks
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Good Corporate Governance at A Glance - EN
Sekilas Tata Kelola Perusahaan - ID
Good Corporate Governance Objectives - EN
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GCG Roadmap - EN
Roadmap Tata Kelola Perusahaan - ID
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Corporate Governance Structure - EN
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Supporting Documents for GCG - EN
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Audit Committee - EN
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Audit Committee Profile - EN
Profil Komite Audit - ID
Nomination and Remuneration Committee - EN
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi - ID
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Profile - EN
Profil Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi - ID
Internal Audit Unit - EN
Unit Audit Internal - ID
Internal Audit Unit Profile - EN
Profil Unit Audit Internal - ID
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Corporate Secretary Profile - EN
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Financial Report
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Analyst Report
Shareholder Composition
Shareholder Structure
Stock Chart
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Informasi Saham - ID
Financial Highlights
Regulation Filling
Event and Presentation
Corporate Social Responsibility - EN
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Buiding Construction
Expertise > Building Construction
<p>ACSET is proud to have its signature in some of the most iconic buildings in Jakarta. These buildings are the symbols to ACSET's excellence in prestigious projects, such as the Pacific Place in the SCBD, Kota Kasablanka Mall, Setiabudi SkyGarden, and West Vista Apartment. ACSET is able to initiate and maintain close cooperative relationship with various reputable domestic and international partners, in its effort to finish the project without compromising quality, safety, and punctuality.</p> <p>It is through such partnership that ACSET can always step up its game and participate in world-class construction projects, and not rarely, to projects that are extremely challenging. It is through such undertaking that ACSET continuously grows as a construction company with a wide portfolio of specialties.</p>