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Mengapa ACSET - ID
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About Us/Tentang Kami
Greetings - EN
Sambutan - ID
Vision and Mission - EN
Visi dan Misi - ID
Corporate Philosophy - EN
Filosofi Perusahaan - ID
Corporate Principal - EN
Prinsip Perusahaan - ID
ACSET at Glance - EN
Sekilas ACSET - ID
Board of Commissioners - EN
Dewan Komisaris - ID
Board of Directors - EN
Dewan Direksi - ID
Subsidiaries - EN
Anak Perusahaan - ID
Achievement - EN
Penghargaan - ID
Our Expertise - EN
Spesialisasi Kami - ID
Foundation - EN
Fondasi - ID
Demolition - EN
Pembongkaran - ID
Building Construction - EN
Konstruksi Bangunan - ID
Civil Construction - EN
Konstruksi Sipil - ID
Office Blocks
Mall and Shopping Area
Hotel and High-Rise Residential
Industrial Building
Power Plant
Toll-Road Supporting Facilities
Good Corporate Governance at A Glance - EN
Sekilas Tata Kelola Perusahaan - ID
Good Corporate Governance Objectives - EN
Tujuan Tata Kelola Perusahaan - ID
GCG Roadmap - EN
Roadmap Tata Kelola Perusahaan - ID
Implementation of Good Corporate Governance - EN
Implementasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik - ID
Corporate Governance Structure - EN
Struktur Tata Kelola Perusahaan - ID
Supporting Documents for GCG - EN
Dokumen Pendukung Tata Kelola Perusahaan - ID
Audit Committee - EN
Komite Audit - ID
Audit Committee Profile - EN
Profil Komite Audit - ID
Nomination and Remuneration Committee - EN
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi - ID
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Profile - EN
Profil Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi - ID
Internal Audit Unit - EN
Unit Audit Internal - ID
Internal Audit Unit Profile - EN
Profil Unit Audit Internal - ID
Corporate Secretary - EN
Sekretaris Perusahaan - ID
Corporate Secretary Profile - EN
Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan - ID
Investor Relations - EN
Hubungan Investor - ID
Investor Relations at a Glance - EN
Sekilas Tentang Hubungan Investor - ID
Financial Report
Annual Report
Prospectus Report
Analyst Report
Shareholder Composition
Shareholder Structure
Stock Chart
Stock Information - EN
Informasi Saham - ID
Financial Highlights
Regulation Filling
Event and Presentation
Corporate Social Responsibility - EN
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan - ID
ACTrees - EN
ACTrees - ID
ACTGrowth - EN
ACTGrowth - ID
ACTFuture - EN
ACTFuture - ID
ACTCare - EN
ACTCare - ID
Press Release - EN
Siaran Pers - ID
News - EN
Berita - ID
Announcement - EN
Pengumuman - ID
Our Expertise
Expertise > Our Expertise
<p>ACSET is renowned for its specialities, such as foundation and demolition works. Such specialties are earned with ACSET’s hard work to keep its two-decade commitment to contribute in the nation’s development. Throughout those two decades, ACSET has been fully consistent in innovating and always provide added value to its stakeholders. Such commitment has been proven through the increasingly widening scope of ACSET’s business lines in construction.</p> <p>ACSET always maintains its focus on complex and prestigious projects. To this day, the number of skyscrapers in which ACSET has put its own signature has been very satisfying. Such achievement cannot be separated from the strong commitment in terms of quality, safety and punctuality of the project’s completion. In accomplishing this, ACSET continuously provides the best integrated services to its customers, ranging from demolition, design, and up to finishing. With such integrated services, ACSET is consistent to expand its capabilities, to push itself forward and become the pioneer in the field.</p>